
How to Bold and Underline in HTML

Learn how to both bold and underline text in HTML with our easy-to-follow guide.

Josh Hartman
Josh Hartman
Last updated: May 16, 2024
Table of Contents

Have you ever wondered how to make certain words or phrases stand out on your website? Perhaps you've seen bold and underlined text on various web pages and wondered how it's done. In HTML, mastering these simple yet effective formatting techniques can significantly enhance the visual appeal and clarity of your content.

In this blog post, we'll dive into the fundamentals of bold and underline formatting in HTML. Whether you're a beginner looking to enhance your web design skills or a seasoned developer aiming to refresh your knowledge, this guide will provide you with clear explanations, practical examples, and valuable insights.

By the end, you'll not only understand how to apply bold and underline styles to your text but also gain a deeper appreciation for the nuances of web typography.

Let's dive in!

HTML formatting: Why Use It?

HTML provides various tags and elements that allow you to format text in different ways, such as making it bold, italic, underlined, or even changing its color and size. These formatting options help improve readability, draw attention to specific sections, and create a more visually appealing and engaging experience for your website visitors.

Importance of bold and underline in HTML

Bold and underline formatting are essential tools in any web developer's arsenal. Bold text stands out and conveys a sense of importance or emphasis, making it ideal for headings, subheadings, or highlighting key points. On the other hand, underlined text has traditionally been used to indicate hyperlinks, although modern web design practices often favor alternative styling methods for links.

Bold in HTML

Bold formatting applies a heavier or thicker font weight to the selected text, making it appear bolder and more prominent on the page. This formatting style is commonly used to draw attention to important words, phrases, or sections of text.

To make text bold in HTML, you can use the <b> (bold) or <strong> (strong importance) tags. Here's the syntax:

<b>This text will be bold</b> <strong>This text will also be bold</strong>

While both tags achieve the same visual result, using the <strong> tag is often considered more semantically appropriate, as it conveys the importance or emphasis of the enclosed text.

Here are a few examples of how bold text might be used in HTML:

<h1>Welcome to <b>My Blog</b></h1> <p>This article discusses the <strong>importance of web accessibility</strong>.</p> <p>Key benefits of using bold text:</p> <ul> <li><b>Draws attention</b></li> <li><b>Highlights important information</b></li> <li><b>Improves readability</b></li> </ul>
Tip: If you're using our HTML Table Generator, you have the option to bold text by selecting the text and then choosing the option from the popup toolbar.

Underline in HTML

Underline formatting adds a horizontal line beneath the selected text. Traditionally, underlined text has been used to indicate hyperlinks, although modern web design practices often favor alternative styling methods, such as changing the color or adding a hover effect.

To underline text in HTML, you can use the <u> (underline) tag. Here's the syntax:

<u>This text will be underlined</u>

Here are a few examples of how underlined text might be used in HTML:

<p>Visit our <u>About</u> page to learn more.</p> <p>The term <u>HTML</u> stands for Hypertext Markup Language.</p> <p>Important note: <u>Underlined text is often used for hyperlinks</u>.</p>
Tip: Just as with bold, if you're using our HTML Table Generator, you have the option to underline text by selecting the text and then choosing the option from the popup toolbar.

Combining Bold and Underline

While bold and underline formatting are useful on their own, combining them can create an even more visually striking and attention-grabbing effect. This combination is often used to highlight critical information, warnings, or important notes within the content.

To combine bold and underline formatting in HTML, you can nest the corresponding tags. Here's the syntax:

<b><u>This text will be bold and underlined</u></b>

Here are a few examples of how you might use the combination of bold and underline formatting in HTML:

<p><b><u>Note:</u></b> Please read the terms and conditions carefully before proceeding.</p> <p>The <b><u>deadline</u></b> for submissions is June 30th, 2023.</p> <p>For emergency assistance, <b><u>call 911</u></b> immediately.</p>

Best Practices and Considerations


While bold and underline formatting can enhance the visual appeal and readability of your content, it's crucial to consider accessibility. Some users may have visual impairments or use assistive technologies, so it's essential to ensure that your formatting choices don't compromise the accessibility of your website.

Alternatives to underline formatting for hyperlinks 

As mentioned earlier, modern web design practices often favor alternative styling methods for hyperlinks, such as changing the color or adding hover effects. This approach helps differentiate hyperlinks from underlined text used for emphasis or other purposes, improving overall usability and accessibility.

CSS for styling bold and underlined text 

While HTML provides the basic formatting options for bold and underline, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) offers more advanced and flexible styling capabilities. With CSS, you can control font weights, text decorations (underline, overline, line-through), colors, and even create custom styles for specific elements or classes.

Final Thoughts

It's pretty clear these tricks are more than just icing on the webpage cake—they're like secret sauce for making your content pop! Now that you've got the hang of the syntax and examples for both bold and underline elements, you're all set to up your HTML content like a pro.

And let's not forget the magic of combining bold and underline styles! Mixing and matching these elements can turn your text from meh to mesmerizing in no time. Whether you're beefing up your headlines or adding oomph to your links, the sky's the limit with these formatting combos.

Don't forget to keep accessibility and usability in mind. After all, we want everyone to enjoy and engage with your awesome content, right?

Build & Style HTML Tables — No Coding Skills Required.

Josh Hartman

Josh Hartman

I'm Josh, the founder of HTML Tables and eklipse Development, a Webflow Professional Partner. I've always loved seamless web experiences and take pride in merging code with creative design. Aside from this website, I'm currently building How Much Concrete, a state-of-the-art concrete calculator. Beyond the digital realm, I love the outdoors & fitness. Find me on a trail or in the gym!
